Complete Antenna Systems
Scan Antenna is a supplier of complete antenna systems. With factories in Denmark and Spain we produce high quality antennas for all markets such as maritime, telecom, aviation, transport, security, satellite systems and much more. We differentiate ourselves from our competitors in the way that we continuously work on being even better, making our products the very best you can get.
Looking for antennas for maritime use? Do not look any further. Marine communication antennas have formed the core of our business for more than 30 years, and we have a strong focus to ensure Scan Antenna is your lifeline on the water.
Both our factories are working in accordance with ISO 9001, and we develop high quality of antennas and accessories for antenna systems such as combiners, filters, DAS and much more.
You can order everything you need for your complete antenna system at Scan Antenna.
With more than 40 years of experience in antenna and accessorie production we know that accuracy, flexibility and reliability is crucial to our clients.
We are renowned for our service, knowledge and outstanding quality in all parts of an antenna system.
Will you be our new partner?
We are always looking for new opportunities, new partners and close working relations. We are aware that sometimes it may be difficult to meet face to face, why not meet online?
Please click on below link if you are interested in representing Scan Antenna in your market.
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